This morning feel a lot better than yesterday when I really did feel uncomfortable and depressed, Still not much appetite, but that is Good Thing!
Spoke to dear brother who had just had really good hydrotherapy session on a one to one basis with his physio. Similar moves to the out of water ones but with the resistance and support of the warm water more effective. Decided I must research to see if I can find somewhere locally. His therapist charges £48 for 30 min session (which he doesn't pay personally as it is covered by his health insurance). Jealous. He says that also 4 hip recoverants have got together to share the cost between them, and turn the session into a bit of a social event with lunch afterwards! - that sounds perfect, I will see what I can discover around here.
Had long chat with SWATT lady on phone and asked about sleep positions as I so hate being on my back. But she said I must stay on my back for 6 weeks because of the danger of displacement. She said in her experience, if it happens once then it happens again and is only corrected by a revision in the end. She said after 6 weeks could lie on operated side; she didn't know about lying on the front but couldn't see it would be a problem as long as you didn't twist the hip getting into position. I just don't want to risk it - I will stay on my back. Asked about hydrotherapy - she hadn't got a clue about that and said she would ask one of the physios. They called me back later and said no-one had any information about that at all! What???
Dear daughter2 came this afternoon with cream tea ingredients and we sunned in the garden for an hour or so. She has also brought me a long handled brush as my first shower is imminent and I thought I could reach feet with it (as it turned out, it was not long enough, so Nick did an extension and it turned out perfect!) Then the best bit, we adjourned to the boudoir and she re-painted my toes a delicious crushed strawberry! One of the many irritating things about the whole hip problem is that for the last 18 months I have not been able to cut my own toe nails. It is such a simple thing, and not a job that one can really delegate to the man in one's life without a sense that some of the romance is leaking out of the relationship! He struggled manfully with them once, but I think we both knew it wasn't working! - so I resigned myself to an all the year round pedicure done professionally, instead of just during the summer months when toes are on show.
It may sound trivial, but when,folding back the toes of the horrid support socks, I see my ten beautifully pinked toenails, I do feel immensely cheered up! We also took a photo of my tree trunk leg which at some point I will add on here, just so you know what to expect! The bruising is spreading across my lower back and round the inner thigh and has even appeared around my heel - incredible - what on earth did they do to me while I was unconscious? Someone suggested there is a lot of tugging and manipulating going on to get it all in place, and may be to get the legs the same length - for which I am eternally grateful. Limping around with my right leg half an inch shorter than my left was not at all where I wanted to be. I was looking forwarded to re-creating my elegant languid hip sway of yore!
After she left I had my feet up for a rest, then we had a takeaway at 8 and watched the Bridge at 9 - really struggled to keep eyes open.
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